new year’s resolutions
Happy new year! Honestly, I haven’t made a formal list of resolutions for a very long time; I kind of just hope for a better the year than the last. But, this year I figured I’d make one so that I can focus on specific things I want to better about myself.
1. The most common one literally ever: learn how to work out
Going to the gym is probably on every person’s list but I don’t care. I have lifted weights a few times before, and I do work out pretty regularly, but I only do cardio. I love doing 12-3-30s and just going on outdoor walks/runs, but I really want to improve my strength this year. I also have a problem with feeling anxious and embarrassed when I am at the gym because I feel like everyone’s judging me. Consciously, I know that isn’t true, but I literally just have to get over it and start going regularly. When I’m at college, I always put off taking care of myself and my body and prioritize studying and socializing more and never workout. I really want to change that this semester and budget my time where I value my health as well.
2. Learn how to cook/ become more interested in cooking
I make the same 4 things literally every time I cook. I have no variety in my cooking and like I mentioned earlier, I always prioritize other things over exploring hobbies or taking care of myself while in college. I have gotten a little better in the past semester, but I eat out a lot still because I am so lazy to cook. I have no interest and no idea what to make. I really want to explore making more Indian food, and learning about more veggie substitutes (since I am a vegetarian).
3. Exploring more creative outlets and making time for them
I love creative subjects and I have all my life. Studying engineering only makes me appreciate art even more. I want to expand my artistic subjects to things beyond portraits (I love drawing faces), learn some photography, and start doing my nails more. Fun fact, I have been doing and loving nail art since I was 11, and my collection of nail stuff is massive. I have recently gotten back into doing it again and I feel so put together and beautiful, and the best part is that it’s free, and I have complete control over what they’re going to look like. I also want to expand my fashion choices, and wear things that are less trendy and more timeless. Jewelry is also a recent obsession of mine, and I want to invest my money in more reliable and durable pieces.
4. Get a tattoo
No idea what it’ll be or where, but I really want one. I’ll be 21 this year so why not. I’ve been saying this to myself every year after I turned 18 but lets see if third times a charm!
5. Learn how to use hair rollers
I really want to learn how to do a blow out by myself. I LOVE blowouts.
6. Read more!!!!
This winter break, I have read 3 books. I am SOOOO proud of myself. The last time I read for fun was middle school, and I’ve been trying to get myself to read this past year and I haven’t been able to finish a single book. Finishing 3 in 2 weeks is huge for me!! I think I am going to make a separate page on here for the books I finish.
7. Become less anxious
This is another vague resolution, but I really want to practice mindfulness a lot more this year. In 2021, my anxiety was probably at its peak and I had panic attacks before every exam and I had no confidence in myself. Even though I’ve gotten better with academic anxiety, I still feel anxious doing basic things like driving. I am a VERY anxious driver and it’s holding me back a lot. I have gotten better at social anxiety, but I want to work towards getting rid of it once and for all.
That’s all for now. Maybe I’ll actually do these since I’ve written them down and posted them publicly (even though no one will probably see this). It’ll hold me semi accountable!
Anyways, happy 2023!! You made it and that’s a huge deal!!! I hope this year is amazing for all of you.
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